As nothing could replace my love for sweet, warm, and gooey chocolate chip cookies!
Come to think of it, these were probably my first baked creation...Still proud, even though my first batch of baked cookies came from a Pillsbury One-Step Cookie Mix :p
That's all in the past now... As this time, my palette's no longer satisfied with the instant stuff!
For a Cookie-Level-Up, try achieving these cookie characteristics by considering the factors that affect the texture and look of the cookie:
- Crispness - low in moisture, high sugar and high fat, longer baking time, smaller shape and size and proper storage
- Softness - high in moisture, low sugar and low fat, shorter baking time, use of hygroscopic ingredients
- Chewiness - high sugar and liquid content but low fat, high proportion of eggs, strong flour
- Spread (some cookies should hold their shape and some should spread)
- Increases spread - sugar, leavening, lower oven temperature, creaming, slack batter, heavily greased pans
- Decreases spread - blending of fat and sugar -not creaming, higher oven temperature, strong flour, lower liquid content
> Hygroscopic - the tendency to absorb moisture, which is a condition that occurs with some food products as they are exposed to high humidity.
Example of Hygroscopic Ingredients: honey, molasses, corn syrup or glucose
> Cookie Characteristics taken from Heny Sison Culinary School EBPS notes
written by: Shobe
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